Thursday, July 24, 2014


         Todays topic is a House. Well I like to fly and find a flat place to build a house. Now I bet you are wondering how to fly well first you have to be on Creative mode to fly. You do that by when you first come on and you press single player it will ask you to create your place the options are Survival, Creative, and Hardcore. Survival is search for resources, crafting, gain levels and hunger. Creative is unlimited resources, free flying and destroy blocks instantly. Hardcore is same as survival mode, locked at the hardest difficulty, and one life only. Those are all of the stages. Now back to the house. So after flying around a little bit you find a nice flat place to put your house on. 
            When starting your house you will want to use a nice and good block so NOT DIRT 
because it just won't help. I am going to list some blocks that are good.


Oak Wood
Now that you know the top four best blocks its time to bulid your house. I bulit mine out of brick. Here is a pic of a house.


  1. did you build that house? it looks cool, nice touches! :D
